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Peace Prompts
Below are writing prompts. Used to compose poems, short stories, personal essays, or novels that would promote peace.
A Princess seeks a remunerative job to pay off her expenses, because her peaceful home is where her heart truly lies.
In the future, violence is no longer used to settle differences. It is up to you to figure out a way to keep the peace without using violence.
You are given the rights to choose the laws of the world. Create a law that you believe will promote peace.
In a world with increased violence, how would people find a peaceful solution?
Describe your efforts to calm down a friend who is deeply upset. What are they, and are they successful?
Someone once told me that maintaining peace is a lost cause because people just aren’t peaceful anymore, what do you do to combat that?
A peace treaty has been signed. Write a paragraph about what your country is like now that peace has been achieved.
Write a humorous post about how to avoid fighting.
A noble strives to establish peace in his or her nation.
An unexpected tragedy takes place and many wonder what could have been done to prevent it.
As humanity evolves, we move closer and closer to peace among all people.
Write a scene that makes peace an idea that is worth living for.
In an effort to put out a crisis, one nation starts a war.
Write about a time in history where war was about to start but didn’t.
The king/queen’s subjects are constantly engaged in war. It is up to the king/queen to establish peace for the kingdom.
What would it take for the human race to not fight with themselves, put down their weapons and form a world full of love?
What were your ideas like? Let us know in the comments!
The United Nations summons all of the world’s leaders to end the cycle of violence and promote peace. Each leader approaches this challenge in an entirely different way.
Write about everlasting peace in the world.
What, in your opinion, breeds war?
Your character is from a planet that does not have peace. When a mysterious box shows up and promises instant peace, your character is naturally skeptical.
Write about people going to extremes to promote peace in their communities.
Write about jealousy or the feeling of being left out and why peace in the present circumstances is important.
Write about a battle that has the protagonists and antagonists reaching a peaceful conclusion.
In a galaxy far, far away, the dark side gains control and it’s up to brave souls to bring peace back to the galaxy.
Write about a war-torn home.
This is a popular writing prompt. It lends itself to many possible essay topics concerning the meaning of peace.
After many wars, your dream is realized. The Great Council meets to make peace and build a future.
Write about the concept of peace in non-Christian terms.
A celebration broke out, replete with wild dancing and merriment as a treaty was signed
A terrorist group has taken people hostage. It’s up to you to promote the arts in the hopes of saving their lives.
Write about a character who is very empathetic to others, despite the conflicts around them.
People from all over the world come together to discuss peace. Each person has a differing perception of it. What does this say about human nature?
Write about the times you tried to promote peace.
Have you come across someone who is addicted to conflict/warfare in your life?
Looking for something here at the Writer’s Rules that is not listed in this post? Why not let us know…
In a world filled with ever-escalating violence, what can one person do to end it?
What steps can we take to achieve peace? The story will take place in a fantasy realm.
Write about what war means to you.
What is a peace ritual that you believe is a good representation of peace?
Can peace ever be attained?
Write about a friend of yours and a time they were the cause of peace or the peacekeeper in your life.
Sketch something that depicts or inspires peace.
Write a poem or story about a lasting peace.
A peace treaty is signed. But peace is thrown into jeopardy by a specific person. How do you rectify the evil actions of this person?
Write about circumstances that are causing your character to feel discouraged and negative.
Write about a time when people across the world had peace for a day. What did they do, and what did you do?
This is the personal touch section. It is similar to a human interest story, and should emphasize feelings—especially in your own life.
Write about how you would maintain peace between two nations.
Make a list of ten ways to get along better with someone.
Write the story of a peace-keeping agent.
Imagine that you are racing against time to create a perpetual peace in the world.
Out of devotion to peace, someone goes to see a fight and steps in when there’s about to be bloodshed.
Write about being at peace with oneself.
Write about a war and what steps need to occur to prevent another.
Describe hardship and strife at home based on the events in your life.
You’re on a train. In front of you, everyone is fighting, but you try to be the one person who stands for peace.
Write about a time that you did something to ease pain and suffering.
Write about a revolution with a cause worth fighting for.
A peaceful demonstration turned confrontational in front of your eyes.
Jersey Shore, Muhammad Ali, and Ed Koch are all in an argument about peace and hatred. Who is wrong and why?
Write a rhyming poem about peace
It is your birthday. You are surrounded by loved ones, enjoying each other’s company.
A shooting occurs outside of a courthouse. The families of the victims want to send the shooter to death row. However, your job is to promote peace among these warring parties. How do you do it?
A person surprised another person with a new pen at an art show. That caused peace to erupt.
Write about one peace that has been lost.
Write about a peace of mind you’ve never had.
War is just a simple misunderstanding.
Now that you are a grown-up, you must remind people about peace.
An invasion is taking place. Write the views of the people who see this as an opportunity to create peace by uniting under one ruler while those who are deeply concerned about freedom and peace in the invaded country fight to maintain a free and peaceful life.
Write about a time of peace in history.
The world is in turmoil. As chaos spreads, a hero appears to keep the peace.
Imagine a world where peace-making is a lost art.
Your neighbor seems to be preparing for a war. You must convince her peace is the correct path.
You are in a foreign place and feeling the need for peace. What do you do?
What actions or activities promote peace?
How would you swap places with an animal in a zoo that lived in peace?
Write a short story in the world you’ve created to explain how the world stays at peace.
Write about a time when you made someone feel better in the wake of a disaster or tragedy.
You must create a sign that will, in a single glance, inspire the people to live in harmony.
Imagine a world where everyone was peaceful. Write about this world using your own unique words. Make it simple. Make it complex. The choice is yours!
Why is peace so important?
What would happen if no one would fight for peace? Write about how peace would be restored.
Write about a time when you lost/found peace of mind.
The world seems peaceful, but not for long.
After years of fighting over what is right and what is wrong, two sides make peace. How will they celebrate and what will they do?
What is peace to you?
How would you feel about war if you lived in a peaceful village or town that is attacked by a vicious enemy?
What happened to make you stop fighting others and instead find ways to work toward peace?
What happened to cause peace to end?
Write a story about or against peace.
On the same day, two friends fight. One causes a fight with a group of people while the other one plans to bring peace. How does each student change the world?
Find an incident where peace was almost lost, or was lost, but was miraculously brought back. What do you think would have happened if peace hadn’t been restored?
People are always looking for war, always trying to prove themselves, always trying to prove something. It’s time for a quiet revolution. Use a fictional character and have them bring peace to the world.
Explain the benefits of peace in your life.
Write about a time when you lost your patience but decided peace was more important.
When peace breaks out, how do you celebrate?
You’ve been walking for months. Weary and hungry, you find an uninhabited island. A booming voice tells you that you have been thoughtless in your life and has given you a chance to gain peace of mind by living like one of the animals. What do you choose or is it made for you?
Now that war has ended, what will you do with your life?
Write a story about world peace.
Write about a peaceful protest you have read or participated in.
Write about a peaceful protest.
Write about the strange creatures that live in an alternate dimension, and what peace means for them.
A holocaust survivor attempts to promote peace in her nation.
Her father was once a warrior, but he no longer believes in war. It’s up to his daughter to begin the war for their family’s glory.
It’s possible to keep the peace by working together as a group. What causes individuals to focus on fighting instead of solving disagreements?
Write about how you would bring a peaceful end to a violent conflict.
Write about a young person, with or without special abilities, who is able to keep the peace.
There is violence in the streets. A new leader has risen up and with that he brings turmoil. It’s up to you to restore peace to the people.
World peace means different things to different people. What does world peace mean to you?
Imagine an all out war with modern weaponry. Would peace still be attainable?
How would peace be achieved in your family, workplace, neighborhood, community, and so on?
Make a list of ways in which you encourage peace.
Migration in the modern era is fraught with contention. This is a place to examine what is most likely to cause conflict regarding this issue.
There’s a peace treaty with the insect kingdom and it’s up to you to protect it.
What is peace? Why is it important?
Write about how you can be a better peacemaker.
A character must travel to the edge of the earth to accomplish peace.
Write from the perspective of a person who is trying to promote peace. Use as many specific details as you can.
If there was one thing that you could do that would bring peace to the world, what would it be?
What idea have you heard from that you thought was a very good idea? This acts as a metaphor for peace. How did using this metaphor affect this idea you heard?
Your government has failed to protect you and brought about nothing but conflict. Now it is up to you to reclaim the peace and bring justice to the land.
What are the three most vital components for all human interactions and interactions among humankind as a whole?
Alien race X is invading the Earth and spreading war. The leader decrees that peace is the answer, and he will use peace to unify his people.
Write about what your life would be like without peace.
Imagine a country in which peace will be declared in five years. What must become of that country during the coming five years?
Write a letter to someone who would like to make peace in the world.
You’re shrouded in a conflict between two groups of people. Write about what is happening and how you intend to solve the conflict.
Write a scene detailing your desire to live in world peace.
How can film promote peace in the human condition? Write about it.
What is a metaphor that peace and war could be compared to?
Write about why love is stronger than hate.
Stories and tales of war fascinate readers and inspire new ideas. Take up the challenge and create a collection of stories unique to the world of peace.
If peace could exist in an aspect of life in your story — even if there is war everywhere else — what would be the point of conflict?
Write about your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to establishing world peace.
People in an orphanage must put aside their differences.
Write about a lifelong friendship between friends from completely different walks of life.
Write about a war that was justified.
In times of conflict, other countries must refrain from taking sides.
What can people do to help promote peace?
It’s Christmas Eve. Which famous scene from a Christmas movie would you write about if you had to do a re-imagining of it?
Write about a world war erupting and a rise of new leaders to bring about peace.
The power of prayer brings forth three miracles.
A peaceful protest is taking place. It leads to the leader of a country actually listening to the people who are being oppressed.
How can citizens of the world help their leaders promote peace?
Write about a character who decides to leave her home to establish peace elsewhere.
All of your wishes come true. Peace around the world is achieved. You can now make peace golden.
In a desperate situation, it’s your job to keep the peace.
Write about which relationships need some peaceful influence.
In a world where tensions between superpowers is at an all time high, establish peace through communication and hear what both sides of an argument have to say.
Write a letter to your family telling them all about your experience that day at peace camp.
Think about the cause for fighting related to peace. Write about war as it relates to peace.
Write about how you keep peace at home in your family.
Make a poem or song about peace for the world to enjoy.
Write a point-of-view piece about how one person might turn the other cheek while someone is violently attacking him or her.
Write about someone who’s making the world a more peaceful place.
Write about an institution such as school or work. What do the people inside this institution know about peace?
A war is about to begin. An armed nuclear strike is about to drop on its capital. Many people are preparing for war. Peaceful negotiations have failed. The clock is ticking on a nuclear strike. Peaceful fighters must outlast the war machines to win.
What would it take for you to become a violent individual?
In relation to peace, write about anything that pertains to the topic.
A white dove spreads her wings after a violent storm. The world seems to be in harmony once more.
What do you do when arguments turn into fights? Do you become a peacemaker or a peacemaker’s tool?
Write about how you’ve used violence to fight for peace in your life.
How can we promote world peace?
Whether or not you’re involved in it, write about a time when you witnessed or heard about a riot.
Imagine a future where peace is the only thing on the minds of every single individual. How is everything different? What would you do for peace?
Write about one argument you had.
Explain what it would take for every man, woman, and child on earth to again see peace outright.
Write about why peace must exist in a polluted world.
Write a story about how a group of people used violence to address a problem and how peace was ultimately achieved. Write a response from another character who prefers peace and tried to stop these people from exacting violence.
Write about the beginnings of a truce between warring nations.
Write a personal reflection on your experiences in peace.
How would you use your talents to be an agent of peace?
Write about a time when you made an impact on somebody’s life.
Describe a place where peace remains evident and things are quiet.
What words would you use to represent peace in your life?
Positive war fiction is all about peace. Someone is fighting for peace. A war has begun to bring peace.
Your character finds an old letter. What does it say?
Is there conflict between you and someone else? How do you keep the peace?
Write about how you would create a world where no one had hard feelings toward others for any reason.
In a land torn apart by war, everyone is safe, until one day a conflict arises. Read more writing prompts …
Future technology has changed everyone’s way of life. Someone has discovered that the new developments hold a secret that will allow him to conquer the world. It’s up to you to find a way to keep the peace in the world so that time will never be turned back.
A specific type of peace, perhaps an inner sense of peace with one’s self, maybe peace with nature, is needed in order to overcome a unique problem in a story.
What is peace for you?
Write about a time a conflict was handled peacefully.
The world is a violent mess. What steps would you take to bring peace into this chaos?
Several friends disagree about the world in a heated conflict. Since one of the friends is stressed about a question on their future, it’s up to you to do some research and present a viable solution.
Write a peace story that portrays conflicts and how hate destroys.
If you or a loved one were dying, what would you know or wish for peace-wise?
Write a story about eliminating conflict and fighting in the world.
“Peace can mean different things to different people. Write about what peace means to you.”
There are those people in your life seeking to disrupt peace.
It’s time for world peace. Write about how it is achieved.
Write about a time when physical violence ended peace.
What peace does to a person.
A young girl refuses to be part of her culture’s tradition because it sunders peacefulness in the land.
A young boy and his mother are talking about the world. She tries to explain how peace is difficult to obtain.
Write about the value of life. You don’t need to write about the value of all life or the beauty of life. Focus on one value or on one type of life. For example, you could write about an insect or plant or nurture life or innocent life.
The sole cause of all war lies within a people’s lack of knowledge. Write about how you can positively affect this in your community.
A girl is always caught in the middle of a fight between her friends. She is worried that chaos may break out if she stays put.
Write about the most peaceful moment of your life. Write about the time when you felt the most love.
The book is open if you want peace, or you can turn the page to start a war.
Her family has prevented war many times…but can she do it one more time?
A group of people need to make peace in order to survive. The conflict might be internal or external.
When a family member, friend, or acquaintance violates one of the Ten Commandments or ‘dis’ one’s God, how do you feel and what do you do?
Write about an incident that occurred in your childhood related to war, violence, or some other form of inner conflict.
Write about a time when conflict broke out, but then someone provided a solution.
Make a list of ways you could live peacefully under any set of circumstances.
A lover’s tension is mounting. A fight is about to break out. Can your character maintain peace in the midst of conflict?
A young man who feels as though he’s lost everything searches for peace.
The kindling for war needs to be put out. Write about how you’d do it.
Your romantic partner fights with you over everything. How do you keep world peace in your love life?
A young man is tasked with winning a fight.
Show man’s need to create peaceful habitats, despite his predisposition toward conflict.
As the days of humanity dwindle, a new peaceful planet rises to power and peace reigns worldwide.
Write about a time you witnessed peace.
Negotiating the surrender of the German troops was a method of bringing about peace.
Write about your feelings on uprooting conflict and developing world peace.
Write about a conflict in your life that needs to be resolved.
Write about a character who always wants everyone to be happy.
Write a letter about peace.
What would you consider to be humanity’s civil war?
With regard to the relationship between a man and a woman, what steps could be taken to lessen the potential for conflict?
Write a letter to God about peace.
The peace that exists between two people will be examined.
Is world peace really possible? Why or why not?
Write about why it is better to avoid war.
Write about someone who refused to accept peace or promoted war.
A group of people devote their lives to perfecting physical and mental conflict. What is difficult about being in a place like this?
Peace is one of the themes of the book “Salt to the Sea”. Your writing can be inspired by that book!
Yes, it’s that simple. All you have to do is write about peace and then learn how to spell it correctly. Get started right now!
A lot of people have given up on peace. Why is that?
You have been tasked with being a mediator during a dispute between two countries.
A character experiences peace, then chaos.
Write about how you would restore peace between two people or groups.
Write about what you think peace means.
You have graduated from different peace schools. Show off your tools.
Write about a time that was hard, but you managed to work through it peacefully.
A protester writes a compelling sign about the war he/she opposes.
There’s a lull in the fighting in a world ravaged by war. One man was able to keep the fighting from flaring up again. Write about how he achieved peace.
A group of adventurers are friends but do not necessarily get along in the beginning. What can be done to help the group get along better?
Show the world the positives that follow a lasting peace treaty.
The community and local government has very poor relations. This poses a significant threat of violence. You’re in the position to help restore the peace.
When a person is famous, they are often followed constantly.How are they able to create peace in their relationships?
In this dystopian or post-apocalyptic world, peace exists through the following entity.
There’s fighting and turmoil happening all over the world. It’s up to the writer to make everyone see the beauty of peace.
Two cultures meet for the first time. Write about how peace comes to these people.
In a dystopian world where people fight over scarce resources, what role do you play in preserving peace?
All honor to those who seek peace and promote it.
Your team is ready for battle. You are the only one who can stand in the way of the inevitable destruction.
What pushes peace aside in favor of hate and malice? What steps can you take to ensure peace?
One person does not want peace in the world. Who is this character, and how do they bring the world to the brink of war?
Two sisters work to stay out of trouble in a harsh environment in the big city. How do they do it?
Write a piece explaining how the fight for peace applies to you.
Write about a moment in which you contributed towards peace.
An agreement has been signed. A new age of peace has come to the island. Celebrate the new world freely.
Write about an unlikely peace agreement that needs to be made.
Describe the last time that you were at peace.
Write a love scene between a warrior of war and an angel of peace.
You find yourself in a world where violence is the norm. How do you remain peaceful under these conditions?
Describe a time when you displayed peace.
A young person is bullied in school. Write about how he/she is able to keep a peaceful response.
You have a friend who lacks peace of mind. What would you do to help them?
Mamoko, a kindly yet steadfast peacekeeper, is always involved in conflict and mediates between groups. She is discovering how great of a burden roles like these may become.
An important international summit on peace is about to take place. However, many foreign leaders are afraid of a terrorist attack.
Humanity is getting further away from peace. What can change that?
Write about justifying the invasion of a place that is promoting peace.
The characters in your story live in a peaceful world for which they are thankful. Think of all of the constructive things they could do to keep their world in a peaceful state.
Write about an exciting moment in your life, using peaceful terms.
Escape from an unusual location.
Peace can be torn apart, destroyed or murdered by hate. But peace can never truly die. Write a story about resiliency or peace.
Write about the difficulties of other religions trying to peacefully coexist with each other.
Write about a man who is always trying to find peace within him.
Just the act of writing and reflecting can help you find inner peace. Therefore, write a few sentences about how writing itself helps you find inner peace.
Would you like to provide writing prompts or a topic for this column?
Write about what you might have done differently during a period of war.
Find peace in a chaotic environment
Peace is the most important commodity we crave. We’ll do almost anything for it. In this tale of suspense, you must strive to keep the peace even at your own peril.
Someone you know breaks the peace, but you forgive them.
While preparing for peace, leaders must make tough decisions that make them unpopular. Are the decisions worth the peace? Would you make the same choice if you were a leader?
Write a scene about a person having a positive influence by spreading peace.
Write about something sexy.
Staying calm is the best way to keep the peace.
Rioting is going on all around you and you have to stop the fighting.
Will war ever actually result in peace?
Write about a peaceful time in your life.
After you die, you have a vision of a world at war. You must send a sign that it’s still possible to keep the peace, but it must be cryptic.
Begin with “We must achieve world peace.”
Write a story about a peace-maker.
The best way to guarantee peace is to be prepared for the worst.
Even though there are still threats, the number of violent acts in the world is decreasing. The slums, however, are still pretty bleak. How about you write about a creative slum dweller with great ideas?
You do whatever is in your power to promote peace and quiet in your home.
You’ve made up your mind and decide today is the day you will become a pacifist. Write about your decision and all the things that influence it.
Someone has been making a big deal out of a non-event. In your view, what needs to happen in order for the deceased person’s legacy to be preserved instead of purposely crashed by the focus person?
You are put in charge of keeping peace among several different kinds of creatures in the world who usually never come into contact with each other.
Imagine that love can bring peace to a fighting family.
The spirits negotiate for peace.
How can peace be established between a Mother Earth and Mankind?
Write about a time when you tried to keep the peace.
Three people. Six emotions. Can they learn to give peace a chance?
Write a dialogue between two characters with opposing views on peace.
A devastated nation falls into anarchy. You need to bring peace. What is the first step?
Write about what conditions must be present in order to have a war.
A character is living in a time of peace, but they still feel restless and dissatisfied.
The characters that you have created for your stories are embroiled in a long battle. How do they compromise in order to maintain peace?
Describe two different scenarios that would cause you to lose sleep.
Charles is a wealthy man with a large estate. One of his workers steals from him. He is afraid that the townspeople will disrespect him and thus attack his estate. He decides that the simplest solution is to murder the worker. Write a diary entry from Charles’s perspective explaining why he killed the worker, as well as a diary entry from the worker explaining how he was wronged by Charles.
Write about your experience learning about war and peace.
Write about peace in your personal life.
If you were on a team of superheroes, what would be the name of your group and what powers would you want?
A tale of two lovers, one of which wants nothing but eternal peace.
Children in a country are slowly being taken away from their parents and indoctrinated into a certain belief group. This country is terrorizing surrounding countries in an effort to divert attention away from themselves. Write about the child in this story working to bridge the gap between these two opposing groups of people and succeed. How so?
In what ways can you make the world and the people around you safer, more peaceful, and happier?
One person will be asked to represent war and another is asked to be for peace. Both need to lay out how they’re so certain about their point of view?
Write about the mental state of a soldier who is in the process of war.
What does peace mean to you? How do you show your support for peace?
Write about how you would solve your country’s problem with poverty.
Use as many details, descriptions and sensory details.
How can we spread ideas of peace?
Write about a man who refuses to participate in any form of violence.
Write about a peaceful protest that you would like to have happen.
A child is crying. People are screaming. Oddly, it does not seem to have a cause. Who or what is the girl crying for?
Write a letter to freedom fighters, the patriots, and parents from a completely different perspective. Tell them the things that need to change to create peace.
Write about how you would foster peace in your family.
Most people act peaceful. A few, however, aren’t. In this short story, you are the only person who’s not being peaceful.
Write about a plan that refuses to promote peace in the world.
Write about a time when you kept the peace.
Score 0-100 – Is violence justified in some situations?
Describe the day a resolution toward world peace will be signed.
A nuclear missile is heading toward one of your loved ones. Write about how you would help to avoid this crisis.
Write about an individual who can’t achieve the kind of peace that they want
A selfish prince is transformed into a fat and lazy fairy when he doesn’t share his peace.
Without conflict, many stories and books would be vastly different. Discuss ways to create conflict in a story.
The constitution of the United States starts out with a Preamble. What would be an ideal peace preamble?
This time of year is filled with goodwill and family love. Write about the moments that make you thankful to live in peace with your loved ones.
Write about a pacifist. Give some examples why pacifism is good and others why it is bad.
A religion based on peace is being threatened by another religion. Write about how they resolve the threat and promote peace in the world.
Do you know someone who is an excellent peacekeeper? Write about them.
You must take what you know about the Civil Rights movement and apply it to the present day.
Write about an instance where you saw peace.
You’re on death row. The day of your final meal has come. It’s time to make your final wish. What is it?
A man reminisces on the time when peace was still there.
Write about the peace you wake up to every morning.
Write about the most peaceful night of your life.
Transition Words That Show Movement
School playground on the first day of the year.
Imagine a world where peace means unconditional love. Then write a piece inspired by what you’ve imagined.
describe one way to establish peace in about all the country/ world.
Feels the weight of their age responsibility of keeping the peace.
A child is abandoned. Do you think the baby’s caretaker had a selfish reason? Write about what you think happened.
Write about a way you saw the power of peace.
Today’s Modern Issues writers have decided to take part in a writing contest related to peace. They write about how they believe peace needs to be maintained. Other participants are free to vote for their favorite entry.
Is world peace possible? Write from a futuristic point of view.
Two people are facing off. A misunderstanding has led one to believe things about the other. Write about how they resolve this misunderstanding and keep peace between them.
Make a list of commonly held beliefs, and then write about why some people are against living in peace with one another.
Write about a character whom you consider peaceful and why. Create an outline for their journey from a place of anger to a place of peace.
A child is on a video call. Her dad is in the military. Write about how her parents maintain peace back home.
You could be the person promoting world peace, or a nobody who has a part in this process.
A man gets called to testify in a treaty conference. He goes, but also goes about his business, just keeping the peace.
Imagine that a war just ended. How do you think the warriors would feel if they were to see how the world now lives in peace?
You have the power to advise the young ruler of a major warring nation. What do you tell the young ruler to improve relations with their neighbors?
Help your young hero win the fight and restore peace to his land.
The concept of peace offers a large number of categories for authors to deal with. Literature is the perfect medium to portray all kinds of conflicts and peace in global settings, as well as interpersonal ones. A writer can deal with different worldviews, cultures, and personalities, writing his way to peace or guessing at that solution.
How can we foster world peace tomorrow?
Revenge feels good. What are some reasons to forgo revenge?
What could cause or trigger a world conflict?
Write a one-paragraph letter to a soldier, thanking him or her for their service, and encouraging them to keep fighting for world peace.
You dedicated your life to peace, but conflict handled you.
Write about the moment when you finally understood why violence won’t solve any problems.
Someone is planning an attack against the country, but you have mechanisms to stop them.
Write a solemn chapter about peace in a novel. Imagine this peaceful event happening in the story, and then write about it accordingly.
If you had the power to define peace, what would you say it is?
Reoccuring Dreams is an original title by Mathew Cocozello.
A soldier returns from war. He has trouble finding peace.
What is the best way to promote peace in your life?
Write a scene in which you work to keep everyone safe more effectively than anyone else.
Imagine yourself helping a specific child who has experienced war.
Now write about how you wouldn’t promote peace in the world.
A story about how a teen has learned the importance of nonviolence and peace.
Write about a family that is at peace.
Write about the things you do simply to maintain peace.
In a future where the world has achieved peace, write about the people that made it happen.
You are the opposite of peace. Suggest how peace could be achieved without the use of you.
What might have to happen to make peace real in the world?
How can we promote peace in the school?
Write a poem about peace.
Write a list of reasons that peace is important.
Write about how you can encourage peace in your neighbourhood.
Two lovers are warring between each other over a material object. Use the breaking point as the catalyst for how you will achieve world peace.
Describe a place of peace.
You are at a protest. Write about peace or protesting.
Write a scary story about the possibility of a lack of peace.
The main character commits either an act of war or of peace, and it changes his/her life in a profound way.
How do you seek opportunities to reconcile with others?
How can a newly married couple achieve peace in their home after they have just moved in?
Challenge world leaders to read a specific book that promotes peace.
Write about a leader who destroyed the peace.
Peace can be found, if only we learn to walk through the darkness.
Write how you would handle an extremely angry person. What if this person is violent? How would you de escalate?
What conflict need you resolve in order to establish peace?
The world is going to end in 5 years. Write about what happens today at school.
What happens if the fight you dreamed of never starts?
What does peace mean to you?
Someone challenges your idea of peace. What do you do?
The school day, about to end, a student threatens to bring a gun to school the next day and start a fight. It’s your job to make sure they do not try to cause problems, being the bearer of peace.
Someone stole from you. Demand justice for the wrongdoing.
When horrible acts of war occur, people question why such tragedy exists and how to make the world a better place.
Write about a time when you successfully improved the working environment.
Write about a time when peace was hard to come by.
Does peace result when one side wins over the other? Can real peace ever exist if this is the case?
Write about how someone would lose their peace.
Imagine if you could introduce a world rule or law where everyone had to keep peace in each other’s hearts. What’s that like?
Think about how you react when you see injustice and violence in the world. Now think about how you would react if you were put in charge of making the world peaceful.
Write about an argument you had with a sibling where the more abusive person was you.
During war time, your country sends you to deliver some food to the civilians, and even with the language barrier, you try to impose peace to the people you are helping.
Alice, who is a super-genius, wants peace, but others around her are restless. Write how you think Alice will overcome relocations.
Write about how difficult it is currently to bring about world peace.
A person worked hard for someone dear to them. They can help this person achieve their dreams, but in doing so, they put their own dream at risk. How do they decide to use their resources?
A dispute breaks out between siblings.
There is a war raging on the planet you live on. What would you have to do to make the world a peaceful place?
Write about something inspiring about peace.
Write about how you would promote peace in your life.
What’s the best way to achieve world peace?
That peaceful feeling you get from forgiveness.
Write about the benefits of peace.
Two sides in a war find out they are blood-related.
Write about how you go about reading your work to an audience.
Write about a scene where you acted as a peacekeeper.
Why is peace so important? Write about it.
In a world that is torn apart by war, celebrate the idea of peace.
Write about a time you slacked and someone else got the job done. Write about what you learned from the experience.
How does one achieve peace through art or writing?
Is peace something that can be achieved instantly by making a world full of good people, or does it take time?
Write about how you can be a good citizen by promoting peace in your community. Someone might be encroaching on what belongs to you. How should you respond? An otherwise perfect relationship is threatened by one partner’s need to always be right. How can peace be restored? How would you integrate the poor? Write about the possibilities.
Write a personal essay about pursuing peace in your life.
Religion causes many issues between people. It makes peace hard to achieve. Write a paragraph stating how peace could be found in this area.
Write a story about a popular politician and how they promote peace.
Write about any violation of peace you’ve uncovered.
Write about a struggle for peace.
A peace treaty is about to be signed, but someone on the brink of war threatens to disrupt the peaceable proceedings.
A professional trapeze artist practises for the century’s greatest performance. Peace and tranquillity must prevail.
What can people do to be peacemakers?
People from around the world are creating rifts that won’t allow for peace. How will you make peace?
You need to stop a civil war from breaking out. What will you do?
A girl shares how conflict led to peace in her family.
A young person makes peace with a difficult situation she has experienced.
The world is a beautiful place, surrounded by water, trees, and majestic mountains. Your love for beauty allows you to spark peace by inspiring others to appreciate the world around them.
Suzannah Yasmina Duran lives in Trump’s America, which imposes limitations on immigrants such as her, which are extremely damaging to the migrant workers.
A leader keeps an eye out for signs of war and makes plans of how to neutralize the situation.
There’s a condition that’s ravaging the human population, and it’s up to all people to peacefully unite to defeat it.
What phrase or symbol should we take for the modern movement towards peace and goodwill?
What needs to be changed in the world to attain peace?
Write about the kind of peace you think we should have in the world.
Write about a time in history when peace was kept and write about the circumstances surrounding that peace.
In a dystopian future, a council plans for peace through aggressive military action. What would have to happen for peace to reign?
How would you achieve world peace through story writing?
Peace won’t form without intervention. Write about a time you stepped into the role of a peacekeeper.
Write about how to “silence the guns.”
Write about what life would be like if peace reigned throughout the world.
It’s sold as A Foolproof Peace Elixir and there are hordes of people who are lining up to buy it. After it all happened, do you think there is a better way?
Two sides are facing off, what will remain and wait for the battle to be fought?
Two leaders who constantly lashed out at each other have tried to find peace with each other during talks that were difficult, but led to an agreement that could possibly lead to lasting peace.
Write a scene where you experience controversy with your friends on what peace means.
Write a letter to your local government representative and urge him or her to keep the peace in your town.
Imagine a person who has risen above conflict and now helps others reach the same state.
Create a peace map not unlike the Lorraine map of Peace Treaty.
This is the moment when all conflicts will fade away, replaced by peaceful thoughts, words, and actions.
You had a dream that you were standing in front of a large crowd. What you had to say was going to bring about world peace. Write about it. Read this article for more ideas on how to provide writing prompts to your ESL students.
You are trapped in an area where war has recently erupted. This story is about you trying to get out of the area.
Does peace only exist in the world during times of great prosperity? Or can you have peace during a time of great loss?
A young girl is at war with her enemy over territory.
Global warming and war are destroying the Earth. Create a large scale treaty between nations, nations, and/or minorities.
The word peace is often mentioned in texts such as the Qur’an. Historical scholars may have different interpretations of the concept of peace. Explain.
The time of conflict in an off-world colony has come to an end. Describe how peace has returned and how life is going now.
Peace is about to be broken into and it’s up to you to stop it from happening.
What if both sides are in the wrong? What needs to happen in order to achieve peace?
How would you keep peace between two opposing parties, such as democracy and communism, in a world needing equal parts of each to run smoothly?
Words can help or hinder us during the quest for peace. What do we need to say to achieve world peace?
What is your peace process? Take us to specific moments just before, during or after conflict and reveal the drama of those events that led up to peace.
Write about your favourite place to meditate in peace.
What is the sign of peace? Why do we offer it to other people?
Destroyed homes. Ruined lives. A few people haven’t been affected by this loss. But now it’s up to them to create peace. Is it something they can do?
If you could help keep peace wherever you were, what would you do?
Write all about how to make yourself feel more peaceful. You may take any point of view. But what does peace feel like for the writer?
Describe your “world peace code”. What rules must your characters abide by in order for world peace to be achieved?
What would need to happen for international peace to occur?
Write about someone who spent an entire day trying to patch things up and resolve conflict.
What are some of the steps you could take to build peace?
Write about a character who stirs up peace or unrest.
A character is punished for actively making peace.
Stop a coup before it takes place, and therefore keep everyone peaceful.
Have you ever felt personally violated? Write your thoughts on what peace means to you after that incident.
A peaceful revolution could take place, and soon.
What story angles have you found to be especially remarkable?
In times of unrest and fighting, a machine of destruction is put in place to quell the fighting.
Write a short story about a time in your life when you completely lost your temper.
When the world is on the brink of destruction, a child must bring peace to the land.
Two nations have been at odds for hundreds of years, and a young woman tries to diffuse the tension.
Write about a historical or current battle. Surely peace could have been reached.
So out of peace there is war and out of jealousy and selfish ambition there is violence and disorder. But the wiser mind will make a straight path for its going out and will lay hold of peace.
It’s the calm after a long battle has finally subsided. Describe it.
An organization needs to create peace by projecting peaceful thoughts to others.
Write about a time when you forgave people that had hurt you.
This group of teens always strive to be at peace with one another.
Explain what needs to change for peace to occur.
There is a war raging on in the land. In your story, resolve this conflict by maintaining peace throughout the story line.
Someone is secretly stealing from others. Uncover and stop this threat to peace.
When a civil war breaks out, everything you know is gone. Write about the journey you take to find peace in this new place.
Write about an environment where peace can never exist.
A man must keep peace in the jungle.
A hostile alien species attacks Earth. After the dust settles, you’re tasked with keeping peace between the two races.
Write about times that there have been peace or times when peace wasn’t present.
Describe a peaceful world.
An argument is about to break out. You need to find the right words to prevent people from fighting.
Without knowing the words in your native tongue, role-play as an emissary from an alien civilization who has come to Earth to tell us how to maintain world peace.
A character, perhaps the protagonist, has to fight a war against a tyrannical ruler.
Instincts and inner demons are holding a character back in achieving peace.
Write a letter to someone to thank them for promoting peace.
Write about the life of a young woman who dedicated her life to serving God and promoting peace.
Write about the last time you experienced a moment of world peace.
Ever been in a situation where it seemed like the world was ending? Write about how you handled it.
What if the cost of peace was your soul?
A war is fought over someone who wants peace.
Come up with two or more groups of people that could benefit from peace and write about what would need to happen.
Write about a peace agreement you experienced when you were younger. Did it last?
While other countries at war abound, the people inside your country’s borders are learning to work peacefully together.
A writer’s Muse wakes them up in the middle of the night. The flow of energy coming through is so powerful that it’s disrupting the Muse. This energy must be allowed to move through quickly. The Muse orders the writer to create a catalyst which will help others and get the process over with quickly. However, when the writer uses the catalyst mindlessly, the Muse must step in to stop the writer before chaos sets in.
Write about the differences between peace and war.
Revolutionary forces fight against a corrupt government. What would you do while a nation divided, blown apart by war and clashing armies, to bring peace after a revolution?
Write about a friend who helps you keep the peace.
Ted Bundy’s birthday is today. Write about how you would have wished the execution to occur instead of his birthday being spent on death row.
Nationality doesn’t matter when there’s peace to be kept.
Write a story about an everyday person who promotes peace in his or her everyday life.
Create a story about world peace.
Write about why peace is so important to you.
A contemporary non-fiction essay about declaring peace is due in ten minutes…
How has war affected you?
The road to peace often seems full of conflict, but peace on Earth is worth fighting for.
A person from the far future is trying to find out what kept the Earth from being destroyed by a nuclear war.
Writing about peace in history
Peace is slipping away from everyone. Your characters must make a push to keep the peace from being destroyed.
Write about a time when you determined that fighting wouldn’t lead to peace, but peace would lead to fighting.
How can a conflict in your own life be resolved peacefully?
An observer from a neighboring galaxy has decided that there needs to be peace in the world, and she will take whatever steps are necessary to accomplish this goal.
Write a letter to a current or former political leader about how they could promote world peace.
What do you do when people don’t act violently?
Write about the many ways you can express peace in your life.
How should one handle conflict in the workplace?
New world order has been established. Peace is now the rule. Write about how censorship applies to the newly peaceful world.
By day, a superhero works to keep the peace in her town. By night, she looks for adventure.
An attack has occurred. One man who ran into a thicket of bushes is clicking and clunking. Write about the unresolved shame he carries with him.
The world has finally achieved absolute peace. Now what? Now the people must find other sources of entertainment.
Write a reflection on an event in your family’s history where peace was more important than anything else.
Write about the traits that foster peace. Or how you might teach peace to children.
Write about something your mother taught you about peace.
A father describes what needs to happen in order to achieve everlasting peace.
Write an alternate version of history focusing on what would have happened if peace talks were successful.
Write about how school can promote world peace.
Write about a fictional leader’s quest to establish peace in the lands.
What role do you play to promote world peace?
Describe how a large-scale battle would end in your circumstance.
A person is determined to do what it takes in order to keep the peace.
Imagine you have been called to plan a celebration for world peace day. What would it look like?
What must your character do to get peace?
Tell the story of a person or event that brought peace to a specific place or community, past or present.
Write about a time you talked to resolve a conflict.
Write about a peaceful conclusion to a tense situation.
How can someone maintain peaceful interactions in a sometimes-hostile and cruel world?
What are the main obstacles to peace in the world?
In a fantasy world, you save the world from destruction and peace once again returns to the people.
There was once a time when there was peace in the world.
Someone special is spending time trying to maintain world peace.
Choose something in your life that causes conflict and write about how this could affect the world if it sparked conflict.
Write about what you think peace really is.
Write about a leader who had a lot to do with the promotion of peace. Imagine you are a chronicler in his army. You’ve never actually met him, but you recall tales of his goodness.
Since you’re the one to keep the world safe, how would you do it?
Write about the meaning of peace in your life. “Peace writing can contribute to the process of healing a country, a community, a nation’s collective emotional wounds, and a person’s internal psychological wounds, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Peace writing can help re-establish a sense of connection, hope and meaning for peoples on all sides of ongoing, intractable conflicts,” Dr. Smith said.
Write a fairy tale! In your story, there must be a peace advocate type of character.
What does peace feel like? Describe how peace feels like.
At a peace rally, something goes terribly wrong. How do conflict resolution groups manage this incident?
Talk about what gives you peace.
One of your friends is about to fight with another friend, and you must do something to avert conflict.
A woman’s daydreams take her on an adventure where she saves the world from an enemy who is intent on destruction. What can you do when someone is striking out at you?
Where can you find peace?
Have you ever personally felt torn between peace and war/conflict? If so, how were you resolved?
You need to convince your peers that peace is better than war.
A dramatic story about peace during a time of war.
Write about how you have worked to promote peace.
Write about a small town. How is peacekeeping different than in other parts of the world?
Write about an object that brings a sense of peace to you.
The creation of peace in one’s own family.
Share your thoughts about the anti-war movement.
You are asked to give up pieces of territory and valuable resources to help foster world peace.
Write about the wisest woman in the world. Those whom she inspired, those who admired her, how she changed things, and how she taught peace.
What influences people to stay in peace?
Write about a time when you helped to bring people together when they were fighting with each other.
Write about what world peace would look like.
The pen is mightier than the sword. What if the conflict could be resolved through words rather than fighting?
Write about some steps that could be taken to keep peace between two lovers.
Do you ever lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of the world? Describe an experience that you had and how it relates to mediation, keeping peace in one’s self and surroundings.
You preach love, but your actions cause violence. How can you reconcile both?
A man is trying to capture the evil genius. His hopes for world peace must hang in this cat and mouse game.
Write about a time when you couldn’t choose peace and found it dissatisfying.
A peacemaker tries to avoid a vicious dictator with an ax to grind.
You’re working at a job where you help to keep the peace. Describe the difficulties and responsibilities of this job.
How would you deal with an angry person?
Submit a story in which you are the Peacekeeper.
How can people around the world better work together?
Write about a time when you felt like the peacemaker.
Peace on earth is a common Christmas theme. Use your imagination to write about peace during a holiday season or seasonally.
A conversation about protecting the environment and preventing war.
Someone is bringing chaos, and it’s up to you to promote peace with your writing.
A peaceful, easy-going man is forced to make a difficult decision to promote peace.
Imagine what it would be like for people to live side by side peacefully, with no conflict.
The world turns black and white because that’s the only way peace will continue.
Write a love story about the end of a war.
What sort of events need to occur in order for peace to prevail on earth?
Write about one big specific conflict in your life.
Tell a story about a lifelong pursuit of peace.
Make it a law that everyone needs to be nice to each other.
A child receives a snowball for Christmas – she knows that this is an olive branch to the enemy.
Someone you love is at the point of violence. Write about how you would work to maintain peace.
The seasons of the year create balance. Structured responses and schedules create order. What element would you change to bring peace to the world?
An angry banker wants to riot for their rights.
Why do we need peace? Is it more important than adventure?
Let your fantasy part of your brain run wild and imagine you are part of the Keyblade Master organization that keeps peace.
Even in the best marriages, there still needs to be work done to maintain peace.
Experience the feelings of being at war. Write about this moment when it kicks into a more full-blown war.
No one believes in peace anymore. It is up to you to prove them wrong.
Write about a personal conflict you are experiencing.
Write about a moment in the afterlife when a man realizes how his talents can be used to promote peace on earth.
Should there be a war or should there be peace?
What will it take to achieve world peace?
In post-war times, a mob is ready to hang a man who may or may not have committed a crime. The man says he has a child who needs him, who will do anything it takes to save him from the noose. Write about why the child decides to go save him in spite of his misdeeds.
Write about your life when peace exists in your country.
Peace in terms of world, personal, and spiritual meaning.
A school is forced to support peace. Think of all the difficulties that arise.
Describe the version of peace that you live and seek to promote.
A ceasefire between armies has been signed, but whether peace can be upheld is a different story.
Many people point to the fact that Humans have had conflicts going on ever since they came into existence, but others disagree. What’s your take on this?
What are some examples of peaceful small communities or areas?
Write about a specific fight scene OR situation that would result in a tremendous amount of peace.
For this writing exercise, we need to imagine ourselves as beings of pure peace. If you needed to communicate with a human, how could you do so?
Write about a character with a shattered heart.
Participate in a meeting held to discuss world peace.
Write about a peaceful place near you.
If your school was caught in an unlawful conflict, you’d be held accountable to resolve it in a peaceful manner. What would be the outcome?
What one piece-based change could be made that would improve the lives of the majority of people everywhere?
What has broken the peace in your life?
A soldier escapes from a warzone and wants peace and peace only. He battles to cope with his surroundings.
Write about your experience with peace.
Write about a person who lived his life in peace.
For more interesting and writing prompts visit Powerful Prompts.
On the journey of life we bump into various people who are hindrances. What do we do when we are faced with so many hurdles? Write about it.
This article tells the story of a child caught in the crossfire of a battle. How do you help soothe the stress after war rages on?
A couple is moving on from a hard breakup and decide to go on separate spiritual journeys to gain wisdom and insight.
The possible consequences of picking a fight.
Write out a full perspective of peace. Write from the perspective of every character involved. What kind of details should be included?
There is a fist sized rock on the ground. Pick it up and take a good look at how heavy it is. Now drop it and write about the experience.
What would the world be like if peace reigned?
Does peace start at home? Explain how you can get your family to ‘get along’.
There is a peace conference. Most of the people only care about themselves or the money they’ll make. Who will save the world from war?
What do you wish for?
What are examples of how people in general cause peace?
A drought has led to wars around the world. Plant rain making plants and keep everyone at peace with your magical abilities.
Describe how the world would be different if everyone practiced peace.
Write about an argument you had with someone and how you became friends again.
Peace is chased away by actions of war. It is up to you to bring it back.
When an alien scout lands, talk about how the rest of the world responds. Write this as a warning to us, or as a potential honor.
Someone grabs the remote and changes the channel. Why do you think they did this?
How would you describe the absence of conflict?
Write about a world that has a peaceful culture overall.
Explain some reasons why peace on earth will never occur.
Make a news item about an event that pointed to peace—what it was and what contributed to the peace.
Write about what you would do to help to achieve world peace.
Write about how you ended a rivalry with a friend.
In the middle of World War II, join in on the conversation between Winston Churchill and Hitler.
The main driving force behind war is the lack of peace.
Write about peace and war, peacemakers and warmongers.
Imagine that a day of peace happens without any military or conflict of any kind and write about what you recall of events that day.
How does writing about peace help promote world peace?
Timeline of events leading to the creation of extremely effective peace treaties, laws, and practices across the world.
Write about why you believe in peace.
Write about the first time two people met and formed a deep bond that fueled their mutual fight for change, peace and love.
Write about a time when you had just started dating someone new and it was very peaceful and easy.
A community helps to bring money to the Palestinian people.
A child wants to know what peace means to you.
Murderous rioters are rising up against innocent people. Write about what peace means to you in light of this.
A young man sets out on a world tour and meets an elderly man who believes that the world is on the brink of war. It is now up the young man to prevent war.
Write a story or list about world peace. It may or may not be a story that involves people. It may or may not have a figurative tone.
Think of a specific situation that is currently overflowing with conflict. How can you keep the peace?
Given the awful fight between his parents, a boy decides to stay neutral in order to help maintain peace.
You are talking with someone about how you could achieve peace in every home.
A soldier reflects on what peace means to him during wartime.
Write about a positive aspect of peace.
It’s your job to recreate an ultimate plea for world peace- both verbally and in writing.
Show how making a choice for peace is a tough decision for one character.
You can find additional writing prompts under the topic Life
Write about how you would produce peace within yourself while enduring a conflict.
Wars plague one world. Peace is slow to come. You and your friends must make time to celebrate peace.
Write about what peace represents to you.
Write about a potential or possible peace prize winner for your story.
The world has been rocked by war. While visiting an area in need, imagine a scenario in which you can promote peace.
Many around feel sadness and hopelessness due to terrible surrounding wars. One person stays positive and attempts to initiate a domino effect of peace.
A village is hated and has many enemies. What they lack is someone who is promoting peace and brotherhood.
Write about a peaceful place.
Write about how a national holiday might look and feel like, designed for the purpose of maintaining peace.
Imagine the future where there is peace on Earth. What does the world look like?
War? What war? Peace, here we come.
Write about your ideal world of peace.
In your view who is the world’s greatest peacemaker? How can others follow in their footsteps?
Write about a character who is winning the fight against evil.
People discuss matters of peace during a gathering. One comment on the list just flies off the wall.
A promise of peace was made, but wasn’t fulfilled. How can a promise of peace be conveyed, and who can you rely on to keep it?
Write about how you would instill peace in children.
Someone in your life has taught you about peace. How have they taught you about it, and what impact have they had on your life?
In a time of conflict, the leader calls for peace.
Peace can’t exist without justice. Write about what form justice should take.
Write about how a neighbor’s lack of peace negatively affects you.
Write about a visit to an all-peace school.
A journey begins in a war-torn country and ends with peace and redemption.
Write about a peaceful place.
Write from the perspective of a stranger who has never seen someone cry until they have been told about all of the people in the world that are starving, being kept as slaves or being subjected to political corruption.
Write about peace you’ve experienced in your life and how it came about.
Write about a peaceful day you had. How would you feel to know that the day would be so peaceful at the time, but that things would spiral out of control, and peace would not last?
Peace is what embodies you. Share something about your sense of peace.
A park ranger has an eye-opening experience in a national park.
Write about two characters who have reached a peace treaty.
The Eiffel Tower is caught in an intense battle between freedom and peace. You have the power to show which side will win.
A monster is locked away in a cage and because of it, the town is peaceful. A young girl claims this monster is a witch and they come up with a plan to set it free. What does the monster represent that is keeping the town safe? Write about how they unlocked its cage and release it to make their wish come true, believing that this beast will destroy their village.
Write about a peaceful place.
Business, personal and spiritual relationships all need literacy. Share your thoughts on what you believe needs to be done to promote peace.
A dispute broke out between two individuals or groups of people. You have been chosen to settle it peacefully. All that is required is a little compromise from both parties.
Write about the last time you saw someone break the rules. Write about trying to stop them.
Write about how you would prevent others from feeling sick and tired of the state of the world we live in.
There is an impending war. What can you do to keep the peace?
In a world of hate, the length of a handshake can differentiate whether peace is found or not.
Peace is something that we all need, but it’s not always an option.
The story of someone after an attack has happened, explaining to the jury how they feel after that attack.
What are some of the steps you’ve taken to keep your own country peaceful?
A toned down version of a fight is about to happen but your character prevents it.
Write about a conflict within your community that you helped to solve peacefully.
The world could always use more beauty and less ugliness.
Write about the most peaceful interaction you have experienced.
People mistakenly labor under the illusion that peace and war are opposites. They are in fact, one and the same.
Write about how you are promoting peace in your own life.
Conflicts are a part of life that none of us can avoid. Is there any specific conflict you are concerned about or are in the midst of right now?
Talk about a time when peace was something you were able to maintain when there was conflict.
A war photographer is haunted by his past.
A vaccine or natural immunity could cure the world of war and conflict. Write about the aftermath, how war and violence was dealt with.
Someone you respect does everything they can to stir up conflict and discord. What will you have to do in order to ensure that you don’t fall into their trap?
How do you keep the peace in your home? As a parent, what steps can you take so that your children have a feeling of peace?
Your goal is world peace. Use a variety of writing techniques to get this point across.
Write about why a person does not believe in peace.
Write about a stable ruler or world leader who rules with an iron fist.
Freedom is a freedom that many people take for granted. Write about all that freedom buys you, and conversely all that it loses protects.
Life is filled with turmoil all around us. What ways can you find to promote your own piece in this world
The conflict in Africa or the conflict in the Middle East. How can the issues be settled?
Give an account of peace or an event that promoted peace.
Write about how you would make peace with someone that you haven’t been able either solve your problem or forgive.
Have you ever had trouble figuring out exactly how you felt about something? Now you have no choice but to write about the issue.
A journey longs for completion. All obstacles are in the way. A person takes on the role of peacemaker in order to alleviate the travel to the final destination.
In lieu of war, two opposing leaders decide to negotiate a peace treaty.
A peace conference has gone terribly awry.
Write about an object that symbolizes peace. What does it look like and what does it do?
Spiteful people are attacking each other at every opportunity. Write about maintaining peace all the same.
You are running into battle in an attempt to maintain peace.
Are you familiar with the name, Mahatma Gandhi? When the British colonized India, Mahatma Gandhi pushed for non-violence and peaceful protests, which helped them win their independence. Now, you too can bring about peace in your community.
Explain why world peace is never going to occur.
What major issues or conflicts seem impossible to reach a resolution with? How could you help these situations?
Write about what you would do to ensure peace in your neighborhood.
Someone in your family is about to join the military but won’t stop talking about how much killing actually upsets them.
Who is most important to keeping peace?
A young boy is torn between peace and war. Write about his choice and the events that lead up to it.
Write about how you would live in a world without peace.
Your character is awaiting a scheduled execution. They reflect on their life and reach an important conclusion. Write that conclusion.
What steps should be taken to promote peace?
Were you there when… Everything went wrong – and the only way to restore order was through violence?
Write a scene from the perspective of a person that loves peace above all else.
Write about your vision of heaven. What kind of perpetual peace could exist there?
Four people of different religious beliefs have to keep the peace.
Have you been a peacemaker in the world?
Write about how you and your community would maintain peace and quiet in a storm.
Write about a fight that you’re currently having with someone. How can you compromise to promote peace?
Poems on peace should center around positive ways of hope and change.
How does an attempt at peace end, for better or worse?
What would the world be like if violence never existed? How would we get there?
What happens to a society that doesn’t fight for their previous beliefs upon being given proof that they’re wrong? Will their differences ultimately tear them apart? Or will they maintain their beliefs in spite of what they’ve been told?
The only way for peace to occur is for those in conflict to make an effort to move away from historical grudges.
After a big war in your world, it’s time to make peace. Write about the conversation between the leaders of the nations.
Write a letter to someone close to you about making peace with them.
What has to be done to rid this nation of its inner conflict? You have three days to bring peace.
Drawing and/or describing peace.
A stranger takes you into his confidence and explains why the world is in such great turmoil, and what needs to happen to bring peace about.
Write about the development of peace in a violent society. For example, end the violence by showing them the beauty of art.
The civil war paused and the two sides found peace…as best as they could.
Imagine if you grew up with a strange, little item that would change your life forever.
Is there peace where you are? Describe it in a small essay. Share your hopes and dreams with others on the topic of peace.
Write about how you would be the voice for the voiceless.
You’re at an all-night party. You’re exhausted and ready for bed. The music is loud and everyone else is still awake. Good luck getting any sleep.
List all the ways a community copes with deprivation.
Write about an ideal society where there is peace.
The world may be divided into three sections, represented by three highly aggressive countries. They’re all looking for peace, but by using different methods. The five people who play a part in this piece can change the mindset of these three leaders to promote peace for their country and the world.
Write about how you would restore a broken relationship.
When a conflict happens, the easiest solution is to run and hide. What does a person do when it is his/her responsibility to make peace happen?
Make a list of all the terrible things conflict can bring.
Write about the strengths your character has that will help him or her keep the peace.
Maintain peace even in the face of uncertainty.
I am currently compiling a list of 365 writing topics for each day of the year. Topic lists like these are available for sale here .
How would you bring peace to your school? Your community?
What is the meaning of peace? What words best describe the peace that we’ve fought for?
Step into the roles of leaders in four different time periods for an entire school day. Write a paragraph about each of your experiences.
The use of peace symbols is often for commercial purposes. Write about a time you saw one of those symbols used to encourage peace, rather than as part of a marketing campaign.
Write about how someone else you know would promote peace in the world. Or, write about how you would avoid conflict. Or, write about how someone you know would avoid conflict.
Write a story about a protagonist who feels anger until he/ she learns the secret of peace.
If you could proclaim peace on Earth for your life today, what would you do and how would you feel?
As a bridge between nations, you are tasked with keeping the peace.
What do you say to someone to convince them conflict isn’t the only way to solve their problems?
Is there any proof that the world will ever be at peace?
Write about a vision you have had about peace breaking out.
Write about the personal struggle with keeping the peace.
What differences do you see between peace and war?
Write about making peace with the past. It could reveal itself in some symbolic way.
The story begins with the best argument you can muster to promote peace.
How can art, music, and poetry bring peace in a tense environment?
Including meditation, self-improvement, music–whatever you like–explain to a friend how to promote peace in the world.
What makes a country peaceful?
What is the most difficult battle to fight for peace?
Tell your whole world how you feel about peace.
You identify an opportunity to resolve a conflict. Write what happens.
In this story, you’ve been given the task to restore peace.
World peace has been achieved. Now what? How will you create a long-lasting peace? How can you make staying at peace easy and fulfilling? Go preach your ideas. The end.
Write about what peace means within your family.
In today’s society, peace sometimes seems like a far off dream. The reality is anything but that. Consider how growing up in a time that has known peace will make achieving peace easier for future generations.
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With peace in the world, humanity progresses much faster than anyone ever imagined. Space travel is common. Races are unified. What do they do next?
Who is the most peaceable character you’ve ever read about? Describe him/her and write why he/she is so great.
Something bad is happening and you want to keep peace with this other person, but you know things will reach a boiling point after that. It’s up to you to keep peace and comfort between that person before things get worse.
Write about a zero tolerance policy for violence.
A once peaceful land is overtaken by dark forces. Wander a land stricken with discord and disharmony. How will you bring peace back to this land?
The audience, though smart, have unethical tactics, but one stands up to the standards of the audiences.
You are sent on a secret mission to the enemy’s camp to keep the peace.
Make an account of events as if the character were keeping friends and family together through difficult times. Convey an underlying sense of peace throughout his or her experience.
You’ve been keeping peace among the world, but now evil is threatening to overtake your people.
A neighbourhood is worked up over some event. You’re the one who has to calm them down.
Write a scene about two people on opposite sides of the paper war scenario and finally coming to some form of peace and understanding.
Is peace through war ever possible? Can peace be reached through violence?
Share a story about when you gained a deep understanding of peace.
Nominate leaders who can bring peace to the world.
Everyone deserves peace. Write about who could use some peace in their life.
You are the unsung and unknown force holding everything together. Without you, the world would fall apart. What does that feel like?
Write about a conflict you are having with another person, or write about the person who is causing the conflict.
Describe the most peaceful place on Earth. Write about that place and what it’s like. Write a description of your perfect, peaceful moment ever.
In order to stop a riot, characters or NPCs resort to extreme measures, including violence.
What is the biggest peace problem in your country, in your community, or even in your relationship with yourself?
Write about how a man or woman keeps the peace.
Write about a time in which you think your efforts resulted in world peace.
Write a story about how the Beatles helped the world become peaceful.
A person is trying to break into the peaceful society you live in. You must resist their hostility.
Someone has been bullying you at school. You have the chance to end that last day by maintaining peace.
How is a world without war or conflict? Explain why.
A world without conflict would be ideal. Describe a way that would make this possible.
There’s a special man on whom you have had a crush since you were young. One day you meet him. Will this story have a happy ending?
Write about a world that is free of strife. What would it look like and what sorts of things would people do with their time?
Write about why you feel the need to protect peace in the world.
Imagine that there was a machine that gave you a wish for how the world could be changed. Change one thing and write about what happens next.
How effective are the three articles of the Geneva Convention for maintaining peace?
Someone gives a message that is very peaceful and loving–and nobody listens. How come?
What are some things you take for granted? Explain.
Something is about to go terribly wrong. It would take real effort to prevent disaster. Write about your character’s efforts to promote peace.
Many conflicts in the world are based on resources. What resources do we need less of to achieve peace and long-term security?
A strange force is preventing peace in the world. This young heroine must resist it.
You are in a future society with an abundance of machines. Your job is to monitor these machines and prevent them from causing global chaos.
Write about a city that has declared a nationwide ban on war. All soldiers involved were forced to leave their countries and roam a deserted landscape, where they are to live until they die.
In a world without laws, groups claim power for their own reasons. One man refuses to give in to them.
Write about what you think peace means to God.
If being a wise leader is equivalent to restoring peace, what does that mean for you as a leader?
How has a difficult time in your life affected your thoughts about peace?
How would you resist war and make sure it never happens again?
The only way to put an end to the conflict in your homeland is to leave and never return. How do you cope with the loss of your home?
A dispute between two nations has led many people of both countries to engage in violence against their own people. It’s up to you to make a decision that keeps the peace.
It has dawned on you that the conflict you’ve witnessed all comes back to you.
Write about a bully who decides to use his strength to promote peace instead of aggression.
You are asked to be a peace mediator. Alone, in a dark room, you must generate a solution. The lives of thousands depend on it.
Write about a peace walk that you participated in.
Did you ever see an event where peace and understanding seemed impossible? What would that be like to see? What was it?
Read the latest news to find an example of conflict and peace. How did it turn out?
Write about what kind of peace you seek in your life?
Think about what is necessary in order to have peace. What is the goal for peace and how might you meet that?
After researching a particular issue, write about how the problem could be solved.
Create a song that describes the steps necessary to achieve world peace.
Obviously, when you’re writing about peace, you’re not going to advocate war. The themes of opposing ideas figuring out a common ground is what makes peace so important. All world issues and conflicts center around the topic of peace. All world leaders are concerned about it.
What action would you take to spread peace, starting in your community? Write about a character who is driven by peace.
What would peace triggers in the world look like?
We search for peace, but don’t see the opportunities to promote it right in front of us.
What would you do if you knew peace was just around the corner?
The word “peace” is thrown around a lot. Define it.
A video of a peace march spreads like a wildfire. Let us write about it.
The world is filled with violence and conflict. Choose a fictional location to write about and how you would prevent conflict and violence in your chosen location.
Write about why people should strive for universal peace.
Write about what you would to bring peace to the world.
Describe the scene where two enemies realize peace is more important than war.
An anti-war activist is feeling anger about their cause and does some graffiti or throws a small object from a roof, which of course causes a reporter or two to show up for a press conference…
The story begins long before your main character is born. Can you create a scene where someone is trying to bring peace to a tumultuous craze?
Write for two minutes about a time where a person brought peace to your life.
How can you keep the peace in your home when there is conflict?
Write about a planet that is in serious turmoil because it’s inhabitants are addicted to food.
A conflict that is brewing at the beginning of your story ultimately does not break out. In what way does everyone benefit?
A war is about to break out. It is up to you to stay true to your beliefs for peace.
Write about a time in which you and another person worked together to maintain peace.
What is the swiftest way to achieve world peace?
A story about a single act of extreme violence can capture the world’s attention. Write about the person who comes toward the conflict to stop it, no matter the cost.
Your whole life changes the minute you befriend a person from a different race, culture, belief system, or walk of life. Now write about that.
A bully has discovered that picking on someone works. He’s going to keep it up because it continues to be effective. Someone wants to make him stop now.
Write about why peace is important
Write about what peace really means to you.
A peaceful community comes to a sudden halt when violence strikes close to home.
The search for peace–there may be nothing more noble, but what if peace cannot be reached?
In your community, there is a man who speaks words of hate and anger. Everyone listens to him. Write how you will bring peace to the town.
What peace do you need in order to live better?
Write a story about a bunch of warriors going out to achieve peace.
You are leading two enemy races toward peace.
Write a scene where everyone is at peace.
How would people feel and what would life be like in a society that was at peace?
Write about a person who saves the world from disaster.
Your society is ruled by a dictator who demands loyalty. You love peace, and refuse to join the group who wants to start a war.
The wind sweeps through the valley, carrying the souls of the people no longer inhabiting their bodies.
A woman in the home needs to find a way to de-escalate a conflict.
Write about someone or something that handles a difficult situation with grace and peace.
What if you had the power to create peace in the world?
A soldier has finally returned home. But he is no longer fit for battle.
A peace treaty was brought into the room where a meeting was taking place. Everyone signed the document with the exception of one person. Write about a day in his life.
The Allies won World War II, peace is upon the land. Write something from the perspective of Hitler about how he is keeping the peace or not being a threat.
Describe a time when you brought peace between two people.
Describe a peaceful world from the Creator’s point of view.
You and your friends are going on a hike. Where was the last place you were at peace? Why was it a peaceful place and how can you recreate that peace inside you?
The world is lacking peace and harmony after constant pollution and war. It’s up to someone special to restore the balance for an island community.
If peace is very important to you, write about what you’ve done to promote peace.
Your character has looked for peace but has only found disputes. Your character is now forced to take up arms!
Write about how three separate people can each work toward the same common goal of establishing peace in the world.
What do people take as “peace?” We know what we mean when we say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Thanksgiving,” but what does peace really mean? Whether it’s a time of year or a culture, it varies from person to person. What does peace mean to you?
Imagine you have been given the opportunity to bring world peace. What would you do?
You have twelve wishes. Two of them are used to make your city a peaceful, loving place. The remaining ten to make the rest of the world a peaceful place.
There is a new war going on. The sides are split. Is there a better way to resolve the conflict?
Many organizations aim to restore peace to conflict torn regions. Which organization is most deserving?
One reason for conflict is necessarily feelings of envy and inferiority. Do you think war can be ended by addressing these causes?
Fear of war secures peace. What do you feel is the greatest threat to peace and how do you propose we prepare to cope?
You’re new in town, but everyone is welcoming and respectful to you. What a delightful experience! How lucky you are to have found such a peaceful world.
A cute animal goes about making the world a better place.
An elderly woman who was born during wartime needs relief. A calm descends upon her.
With the planet divided into many independent regions, a princess cannot roam the world freely without finding trouble. Contains drama elements and action, as the people are fighting even in peace.
It’s hard for you to stay peaceful around your family. Write about one specific time when your family tried to pull you into a fight.
Write about a nonconformist who somehow keeps the peace despite not doing what everyone expects.
Things have gotten out of hand. An example would be a nuclear war, or a world war. What will it take to prevent the end of civilization?
Write about how you would handle conflict in the world.
Your country is at war. Write about how you would promote peace within your nation.
Religion breeds war. The example of Jesus is more kind. How would the world work if we all worshipped Jesus?
Write about a peaceful world.
How would you handle difficult times in your relationship? Share your peace-keeping skills with us!
Write a story where peace is achieved through war.
A character wavers between right and wrong as she tries to promote peace.
Draw on your own experiences in life to tell a story about fighting against adversity in order to achieve peace.
In a world where people are constantly fighting each other, there is one person at the center of it all who is involved in a romance. Write about how this person somehow maintains world peace and still has time to be involved in a love affair.
An entrepreneur uses a method to bring peace to the world.
What ancient methods of conflict resolution do you think would work today to resolve world conflicts?
What would world peace look like? Write about what you would expect to happen to signal that peace exists.
God is asking you to help her bring world peace. Write about what you would do.
Write about how your family would be torn apart by a war.
Write about the fight for peace in your life.
Write about the biggest lie the world has ever known.
How would people know you live in a peaceful world?
Write a story about two kids who are best friends that fight.
Write about a time you peacefully resolved a problem where there was tension.
You’re a peace activist during wartime. Your job to spread peace is at stake!
The king has no interest in peace. He only desires that you go to war.
All wars start with a fight. Write about a fight you were a part of.
Describe peace using a landscape.
A witness who knew the accused sees a murder. No one believes that he really saw a murder.
Write about a character that is constantly trying to keep the peace but life is constantly throwing battles his/her way.
Who can stop a feud or conflict? Who is brave enough to bring a war to a stop?
Peace is being threatened in some manner. Write about how it is that peace is being threatened.
What do you consider a great peace activist to be like?
Defend your country from an army of an invading force. The fate of the world lies in your hands.
Write a story about a person or group working to improve peace in the world.
Write about how you would react to a global war or the threat of war occurring in your country.
There is a civil war brewing in your country. Write about how you would quell the conflict without bloodshed.
It is your duty to maintain peace between two feuding people or two feuding countries.
When a person is feeling stressed, they find themselves unable to keep the peace. They also find the people around them unable to keep the peace.
A soldier is overcome with anger and kills an unarmed civilian. What makes him react that way?
If you created a social network, your mission statement would be to promote world peace. Write about it.
In a war-torn world, write about the people who are risking their lives to be peacemakers.
A family is going through a conflict. They vow to love each other and be at peace.
A recent surge in violent crimes leads people in your community to recommend that extreme measures be taken to enforce peace and put a stop to such horrific events. Write about your response.
Using historical examples, how has peace been fought for in the course of human history?
Use this writing prompt and discuss how to use peaceful communication in order to resolve conflicts.
Write about what you think the word peace means to you and others.
Write about a time when you experienced peace amidst chaos.
A man has a strong reaction to a particular form of technology.
Rather than resolving problems by fighting, characters are encouraged to resolve problems in a peaceful manner.
There are a lot of people who say that peace doesn’t exist. Your job is to prove them wrong.
The most prosperous society in the world is one where devoted scientists are constantly searching for the best possibility of achieving peace in a world where war is a reality.