Alternatives to War
"The only reliable resource for security in the world today is relationship. When relationships are healthy, you don't need any military to protect you. When relationships are unhealthy, the largest military in the world won't keep you safe."
~ John Burch, 9/11/2001

Alternatives to Violence and Going to War

1. Initiate dialogue and negotiations
2. Leverage international connections to garner support
3. Call for international mediation
4. Employ economic sanctions
5. Seek a peaceful resolution through a bilateral meeting
6. Utilize UN peacekeeping forces for mediation
7. Publicize the attacks internationally to build a narrative
8. Promote anti-terrorism policies worldwide
9. Publicly denounce the opposing group's actions
10. Encourage grassroots movements to build public support
11. Sponsor or support international resolutions against terrorism
12. Foster talks and agreements with countries that host terrorist groups
13. Demand the terrorist group to disarm
14. Reach out to neutral countries for support and mediation
15. Support civilian infrastructure in affected areas
16. Offer political autonomy or semi-autonomy in disputed territories
17. Strengthen internal security measures and intelligence
18. Initiate disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration programs
19. Encourage other countries to reject or eject terrorists
20. Empower local communities to resist terrorism
21. Pump resources into improving the quality of life of civilians in the affected area
22. Advocate for human rights and the rule of law
23. Push for war crimes tribunal against attacks on civilians
24. Use traditional systems of conflict resolution
25. Encourage cultural exchange to foster understanding
26. Support reconciliation processes
27. Engage in trust-building measures
28. Foster social cohesion workshops
29. Increase efforts in counter-terrorism education and training
30. Support economic development programs in affected areas
31. Establish witnesses and victims' protection programs
32. Establish joint commissions to look into grievances
33. Allocate funds for post-conflict rehabilitation
34. Emphasize respect for international humanitarian law
35. Invest in cooperative trade agreements
36. Foster youth and women's integration into peacebuilding
37. Engage with religious or tribal leaders for influence
38. Promote mutual acknowledgement and acceptance of past suffering
39. Share intelligence with other nations
40. Support anti-terrorism research
41. Offer incentives to countries to persuade them to stop supporting terrorist groups
42. Build partnerships with other nations for peacebuilding efforts
43. Empower civilian organizations to take part in peacekeeping
44. Encourage public awareness campaigns against terrorism
45. Infuse de-radicalization programs
46. Promote rule of law and good governance in affected areas
47. Work with UN Human Rights Council to protect civilian rights
48. Promote educational programs against radicalization
49. Support or endorse reparations for war victims
50. Advocate for the safe return of displaced individuals
51. Seek assistance from human rights organizations
52. Encourage the implementation of an international no-fly zone
53. Provide medical aid and financing in affected areas
54. Support rehabilitation programs for ex-combatants
55. Work with countries to tighten border controls
56. Establish demilitarized zones
57. Hold joint cultural activities to promote understanding
58. Advocate for the international criminalization of terrorism
59. Encourage investigative journalism to expose terrorist activities
60. Cooperate with international law enforcement agencies
61. Influence the terrorist group's reputation on the global stage
62. Advocate internet service providers and social media platforms to block terrorist online activities
63. Provide support for children affected by terrorism
64. Promote peace education in schools and communities
65. Encourage the participation of civil society in conflict resolution
66. Advocate for mental health facilities in conflict-prone areas
67. Invest in arts and culture to promote peace
68. Establish truth and reconciliation commissions
69. Implement stricter immigration controls
70. Protecting cultural heritage sites impacted by conflict
71. Calling for a global summit on peace and counter-terrorism
72. Building relationships with non-violent factions within the opposing group
73. Encourage multi-faith dialogues for peace
74. Strengthen alliances and cooperation with neighbors
75. Invest in social media campaigns to counteract propaganda
76. Provide humanitarian assistance to refugees and IDPs
77. Advocate for disarmament treaties
78. Impose travel restrictions on known terrorists
79. Create resettlement programs for displaced people
80. Implement programs for returning foreign fighters
81. Advocate for refugee rights internationally
82. Improve public services in areas affected by terrorism
83. Work with NGOs to provide humanitarian aid
84. Foster alliances with other states to isolate the terrorist groups
85. Garner support from other nations to prevent weapon smuggling
86. Call upon International Peacekeeping Forces' involvement
87. Establish dialogues with peaceful factions within the terrorist group
88. Initiate international humanitarian law education in affected regions
89. Offer scholarships for children in affected areas
90. Encourage and promote peace journalism
91. Advocate against financing of terrorism
92. Enhance cyber-security defenses
93. Host public forums to discuss solutions
94. Form citizen diplomacy delegations
95. Reach out to international influencers to spread the peace message
96. Strengthen relations with countries where terrorist group operates
97. Use diplomatic pressure to prevent the sale of weapons to terrorists
98. Create programs that integrate returning refugees
99. Promote non-violence and tolerance in media
100. Cultivate partnerships with peace-focused organizations.

Reciprocal Survival